1 don't buy clothes share them
2 play with others more
3 laugh at patriarchs
4 rewrite propaganda and make it ours
5 make vulnerability a skill
6 exploit tech but stay earthed
7 be proud and loud
8 believe in the humanity of diversion
9 acknowledge that knowledge is a
10 dialog is action
11 intimacy is recognition not sex
12 climb higher but not alone
13 laugh at those muscles
14 question the noise and glide through it
15 observe, consider then walk around it
16 enjoy the lust but not if it is possessed
17 wrestle with love and then live with it
18 see nuns as friends future liberators
19 unearth what was once invisible
20 don't climb mountains respect them
21 share and share and share
22 shoplift culture, reclaim our goods
23 remember that we are changing
24 our freedoms are not an object
25 speak when not spoken to
26 let the shallowness of power be noticed
27 treat ideology like a cup of tea, sip it and then try another blend
28 be a secret agent
29 leave messages for others to find, everywhere
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